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Three Effects of the Pandemic on Smart Homes

Consumers have radically changed the way they live within their homes after a year of staying in and working, studying, exercising, and more from home. Our houses were more essential to us than ever before because of the epidemic.

While the epidemic raised interest, smart home technology has been slowly rising in homes across the United States over the last decade. This trend is predicted to continue, whether it is the requirement for flexibility in home offices or how we interact with our appliances and lights.

With this projection in mind, we’ve listed three ways the pandemic has influenced smart homes and what home remodeling the woodlands should think about in the future as they continue to construct smarter and more convenient homes.

For peace of mind, homeowners will rely on their smart home gadgets

As many people return to work or vacation with the family this summer, the worry of wondering if you switched out the light or unplugged the curling iron returns. Simple “on the way out” duties that were once second nature are now more likely to be neglected, but smart home technology can help.

A busy homeowner may sprint out the door fast, shutting off all the lights without having to travel to various rooms, by strategically installing voice-controlled devices throughout the home, just by saying “Alexa, turn all lights off.”

The number of linked gadgets in households is increasing

The number of gadgets that homeowners and purchasers want to integrate into their houses is growing in tandem with the demand for smart home devices. Choosing a brand partner with the capability to support whole-home solutions is one approach to guarantee homeowners are set up for success when it comes to smart devices, not just at the time of purchase and move-in but also as they grow into their homes.

Smart home technology simplifies daily activities and domestic responsibilities

While spending more time at home, many people have automated laborious jobs using smart gadgets, which are now second nature. Coffee shop visits have given way to at-home brews, which can be automated with a well-designed “Good Morning” routine and smart home gadgets, making activities like gradually increasing the brightness of lights and turning on the coffee maker a snap – even from bed. As homes became the preferred fitness center for many, homeowners could create an environment personalized to their and their family’s interests by automating a smart thermostat, smart speakers, and a Wi-Fi-enabled ceiling fan controller.

For further information, please contact Care-kter Quality Renovations at 832-641-9079.